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Madam President and Ladies of the Mite Missionary Society of the Balimore Conference Branch:

The subject I've been assigned, "Some Methods of Increasing the Financial Condition of the Society. There is no subject that should be more important in the minds of each individual missionary worker than the above subject. My own observation has taught me that there are indeed few who are really interested in the Great Commission. The thought innermost in my mind is how that this lack of interest is shown in the pulpit as well as in the pews. I have often wondered if it is not because we haven't the Missionary spirit. The true Missionary spirit is that which not only prompts, but propels men along the path of Christian duty. Not selfishly, not good for one's own particular use: but that good which makes a man or a woman a light that others may see his or her good works.

The Missionary spirit is found in the consecrated heart. Some say money getting is vital. Money is an important factor in winning the world to Christ. Without it the wheels of Missionary activities would cease revolving. With it in sufficient quantities the work could be widely extended and rapidly pushed in all directions. The gold of the universe is not sufficient to purchase pardon for even one immortal soul - yet in a sense money can buy salvation for millions of Christless souls.

Giving the Gospel to every creature is the greatest work in the world. The first method in which we can increase our financial condition:

First: -If each Presiding Elder should see it that each charge in his District, Station or Mission report to the Society every quarter;

Second: -Each Pastor should see that he has Missionary Society at his church. If he has only five members in his mission organize a Mite Missionary Society and see that a report is sent to the Branch Treasurer every quarter.

Third: -The Presiding Elder's wives should be in touch with each Pastor's wife in his district to help and encourage them in their work;

Fourth: -The Pastor's wives should see and work among her members, male and female and children as weel, and impress them with the missionary spirit;

Fifth and last: -Each District should have a District entertainment of some description each quarter. Let their churcr in the District sell tickets and make the quarterly entertainment a success.

It is true that in a few churches the Pastor does not give the Missionary Society the attention and tre interest he shoud. Must we let the society fail for that reason? No. Every Pastor should be a close observer of the Missionary Societies, because each society is a part of the church--a vital part--and when convenient attend the meetings to give advice and encouragement to the women. Those who have served on Mission fields should be more interested and render the greater assistance because of their experiences and knowledge of the field. These things that I am mentioning are only a few ways that we can increase our financial condition. A thoroughly organized society and all other departments