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About the Messenger

The usual vital statistics concerning Mr. Elijah Muhammad is being omitted because of its relative insignificance in relations to the essence of his immediate importance in the rise of Islam in America.

His faith may well exemplify the parable in the Bible concerning the faith of a grain of a mustard seed.

During the early years of Islam in America, Mr. Muhammad sowed his grain of seeds in the minds of his few followers. Through faith and hard trials, the seed took roots and sprung up bearing much fruit on its branches all over America.

Mr. Elijah Muhammad, fondly known by his followers as "the lamb" takes on that gentle characteristics of the lamb. All who come into his presence are awed by his breeding, humility and wise counciling.

He is dedicated to the task of uplifting and awakening the sleeping minds of his followers and all who concent to listen to him.

His entire life being dedicated to this cause and to this end.

Mr. Muhammad simply wishes to share his wisdom and his knowledge with all those who are sincere and expresses a keen desire to better their social and economic condition.

His interests lies chiefly in the moral and economic needs of his people here in these United States.

Since his arrival on the American scene, Mr. Muhammad has transformed the drab, interested lives of thousands, into useful, dedicated and meaningful every day living.

Mr. Elijah Muhammad is not a cult; neither is he selling or peddling religeous knowledge wrapped up in colorful trappings.

His, is a knowledge as old as time itself, but a bright light to illuminate the minds of his followers.

Transcription Notes:
Per instructions, typed as originally typed, even words not spelled correctly.