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[[preprinted]] Thursday, September 5, 1907 [[/preprinted]]

Splendid weather. One of the old timers said today that he never saw a more perfect day at sea. Haven't seen any other steamers yet, though we have been in touch with half-a-dozen all day. We ran through a school of porpoises this morning and they were jumping out of the water and skipping along the top to beat three of a kind. They told me they passed a school of whales in the early morning. I should have liked to have seen them. I don't believe they really [[strikethrough]] [?]] [[/strikethrough]] wear those "Soapine" signs.

To 12 o'clock noon today, 417 [[strikethrough]] miles. knots. [[/strikethrough]] miles.

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[[preprinted]] Friday, September 6, 1907 [/[preprinted]]

Rather foggy today. Getting into the Grand Bank, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] - the fog horn was sent around the track a few turns to limber up for a little later on.

Got stung on the hat pool, for 5/ today. I drew the three, and the posting was 431. Not a bad day's sun, but still I feel that we should have gone two more miles.

Am assimilating "bridge" by instalments, and took the second degree tonight. I'm no great shucks of a player, but we won. In the vigorous and brutal game of checkers I recorded seven wins and one draw. If tomorrow I am athletically inclined, I shall try shuffle-board and bean-bag.