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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, January 28, 1908 [[/preprinted]]

I put in a hard day's work today. Went over to Bunny's at two or thereabouts, and I chewed it until four. I got an offer for a thousand bales to arrive, for two-hundred now on the way, and for seven hundred more on hand. I hope Allah in his infinite wisdom will swing the deal, for we need the money. It was a gruelling session, by god it was. I damnear wore the seat of my trousers through on that chair.

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[[preprinted]] Wednesday, January 29, 1908 [[/preprinted]]

This morning I learned that my former Arabic teacher had been done up by cholera in Mocha. It was comforting news, as Mocha is only about twenty four hours away, and especially as I was stuffing half an omelet into my face as the news fell upon my ear. You know these bits always go better if you have something mushy in your mouth.

Worked again today. I had two whole pages to get off to New York. I am getting rather prolix in me hold hige.