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[[preprinted]] Thursday, February 27, 1908 [[/preprinted]]

Smith found a new ornament in his front yard yesterday afternoon. Smith didn't claim possession, - it belonged to a nearby military bob, who was watching the cricket-match on the maidan. "I beg pardon," says Smith, "But would you mind taking your camel out of my doorway?

We saw a meteor from the veranda, after dinner, over Seera. It was a brilliant streak of light, throwing off huge sparks in all directions like an immense sky-rocket. It dropped into the ocean somewhere behind the South Pass. Great sight. I saw one, driving home from Tawahi one night, too.

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[[preprinted]] Friday, February 28, 1908 [[/preprinted]]

I had another one of those little sessions with Bunny & Co. this morning. I offered him a thousand bales Abu-jamal, with control, and though I urged him for all I was worth, all he said he'd do was to "consider" Bunny's "consideration" is a weighty and ponderous piece of business, involving an expenditure of time all the way from one month to six, so I told him we must have either an acceptance or declination today, or we would have to knock down the hundred now on the way at once. I assured him, almost with tears in my eyes not to make me do it, that I hated to do it, and I did my best to make him come over,