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Friday, March 6, 1908

Not a thing to write about. Business has sorter slacked down for a couple of weeks. I guess never mind, I did some tall work last month, when the fit was on me.

Damitall, I was watching that lizard shin up the wall by the lamp, and I'm damned if I didn't upset the ink bottle on the table. Damn the luck, du schlopperhannus! Now I've got that damned big blot, about six inches long, staring me in the face for the next three years, damn it.

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Saturday, March 7, 1908

I got that box of preserves from the folks today. It arrived in pretty good condition on the whole, - it would have come through all right in every way if they hadn't banked on those parffine wafers too much. I started in on the strawberry, and I tell you it was damned good. I could shut mine eyes and
believe I was right at Bagaduce. I'd like to see the old place now, hang me if I wouldn't. I envy Boomp his spring and summer.