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Wednesday, March 18, 1908

I've been trying to reconcile my two big toes to that pair of Gebelee sandals I got the other day, but they're both feeling sore over it. But perseverance is a virtue, and it will all come out right in time.

One of the tommies over yonder kicked the bucket today, and we had the band coming back as we were playing tennis. It was a particularly pleasant incident.

Gee, but the weather is great out here now. I'm glad that I'm alive.

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Thursday, March 19, 1908

I rejoiced last night because I happened to get the long end of four rubbers, but they trimmed me properly tonight. Had a little better luck at tennis, for Stritt and I humbled the proud Besse and his countrymen that second set.  Wish I had something more to write about, but damn it all there's nobody's wives to steal up here in camp and all the harems are locked up, - I'm off fancy drinks, and the evening gamble is the only thing to console one's self with.  To tell the honest truth, I should like to walk up over the hill to Walnut.  It's a long way from here, though.