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Thursday, April 23, 1908 

I squirtenly am tired tonight. Smith and I took a walk through the tunnel and along the Sheikh Othman beach for a mile or two, across to the road, and then back to Camp through the Main Pass. It was a sure good tramp. To dinner, and to bed. Khallas alyom. 

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Friday, April 24, 1908 

I'll be tickled foolish to dig up seventy five dibs for that dentists bill, I don't think.  Wish I'd been flabby gummed all my life like I was born, I do. 

Yaseim has been laid up the past day or two, so I've had even less to potter about than usual.  I think I'll have to add a nap in the morning to my afternoon snooze, just to kill time.  It does beat hell.