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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, June 2, 1908 [[/preprinted]]

Well, Adamally paid for those first 80 bales of my muddle today, so that much is off my mind. 

Two telegrams to keep me busy this afternoon. Hadn't had one for so long that I actually shivered when they came in. Mombasa wants that selector again that I sent 'em four month ago.  He's only been back here about three weeks.  Boat day after tomorrow, but agents say no "deckers" By gum, I can't wait for that old B.I. tub on the 16th. 

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[[preprinted]] Sunday, June 3, 1908 [[/preprinted]]

I had to write NY today all about my little mix-up. I may be holding my job three weeks from today, but I'm not over-sanguine.

Stritt and I had another hammer-and-tonger again today.  Again he had only one point to go to win, but history repeated itself, and I got him in the end.  It was a thriller for the contestants and an overflowing gallery of one.