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Monday, June 22, 1908


Did my best to get together a little business today, but no go. Everything is so damned dull out here that no one will risk a dib. They all want about six dibs under cost price for fear the sook fi'l wilayah will go down again. One feller had it all figured out that it went down under rock bottom twelve years ago and it was time for it to get on the toboggan again now.   And by gum, I haven't sold a bale for over two months. It's a great time to be caught with those hundred Askaris. They queer [[underlined]] me [[/underlined]], all right.

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Tuesday, June 23, 1908


Exciting times these days. There was a prizefight over at the Bedfordshires the other night, a Russian steamer served as an impromptu bonfire at Point yesterday, and the mail tub blew up a pipe up in Suez last week and won't be here until tomorrow. It was up to us to do something in keeping [[strikethrough]]fo[[/strikethrough]] with these strenuous times, so we went over to Slipps for tea and dinner. We had a struggle at Bridge, and adjourned at 11.30. Walked all the way home.