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93 1/2
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Tuesday, June 30, 1908

Still after Bunny. I'm afraid he won't increase though. After having this deal almost in my fist I tell you I hate to lose it. I will give him the pleasure of my delicious presence tomorrow morning in one last despairing stab at it. 

There was a meeting at Bardey's this afternoon to talk over the proposed swimming club. It will be one gr-r-rand scheme if it ever happens, but I hardly think it will eventuate. I pine for a swim.

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94 1/2
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Wednesday, July 1, 1908

Damme if I know what was on the slate for today. Must have did the usual nothin'.

I'm afraid my deal with Bunny falls through. He won't increase a solitary bale, he won't. By gum, we've spent about sixty plunks for cables on this, too. Well, you can't hurry the old man,- he's just like the horse led to water.