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Friday, July 10, 1908


Hiked down to Point today and and clumb aboard the "Vorwaerts", where I had lunch with the Bonds, and a little later I beat it back. They had the whole blime craft to themselves. There was one passenger, I saw her on board, but she got off at Aden. By gum, she was one delirious dream of delight. Wow, wow! It only makes me think what will happen to me when I get among white folks again. After ten months of Aden its cruelty to animals for a peacherino to come up a [[strikethrough]] gang plank [[strikethrough]] ^[[companionway]] with French heeled slippers and silk stockings! Ye gods, it's a crime!

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Saturday, July 11, 1908

92 1/2

If I were only home now I might be on the way to F.R. this glad summers' afternoon. If it were only a little nearer so that I might run over to 663 every other week, as I used to! Well, this is what we get for trampin' off to furren lands. 

Nothing to record today save that it was a trifle cooler, and that Cremaschi Sahib was at our festive board in the evening. 

We are cuttin' up something frightful these days, we are.