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Thursday, July 16, 1908

We had dinner over at the Societe tonight, and then adjourned to Tawahi, where we took in the "Baby Grand Burlesquers" at the de'L'Europe. All to the worse.

After we left Naish we took a little stroll, by gum, at about three a.m. and who should we run into but old Mac, tearing up and down the street like a mad bull, slapping a pocket full of money, and daring any one of 'em to pry it out of him. Mac did have more or less of a package. He admitted several tall ones. Cheer up. Mac,- she may not be dead.

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Friday, July 17, 1908

I had to get up early this morning, despite the strenuous days just past, and go over to see Bunny. Might just as well have stayed in bed, and it would have done me a heap more good.

Later on in the day I celebrated be selling the Al Askaris I got left on with Adamally, at three dibs under the former sale, but I got him to take more of another mark at a pretty good price. Who? Al. Al Who? Al Hindi. 

Oh if business would only buck up!