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Saturday, August 29, 1908

The "Maine" and the "Alabama" are due in today. Gordon, our British US vice-consul, is giving a dinner, and the few Americans in town look confidently to being left out. I, at any rate, have no expectation of being asked, and its a pretty safe bet I won't be disappointed. Well, well, well, don't it beat hell? Some day we will have a sure-enough Yank consul in this place, and one of our Scotch friends will get his.

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Sunday, August 30, 1908

Just a year ago today Dike and I were tramping through the woods to the other side of the square and back. When we got [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[home]] Uncle Dwight told me over the 'phone from NY that AC wanted me to go to Aden, and I took it up on the spot. I've never regretted it, and I've enjoyed every minute of my Eastern experience so far. Aden has suited me from the ground up. I hope to go to Mombasa before long,- my eyes are as greedy as ever, in spite of what they have seen this past year.