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Sunday, September 6, 1908
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Our "bridge" lasted up to one thirty this morning, so I slumbered until half-past nine. Not content with that, I repeated the stunt in the afternoon from two until half past four, and then decided I was too tired to play tennis. As Jones Sahib remarks, the only trouble with me is that I don't get enough sleep.

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Monday, September 7, 1908
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Oh, if something would only happen! Now I can stand as much loafing as the next man, but when you're at the helm of a large and lucrative(?) cotton shogle they expect you to do things. And here I sleep day after day, week after week,- 'though it isn't my fault. I can't ambush the Sook and clap a pistol to it's head and make a getaway. The native has a healthy antipathy for doing anything in under a fortnight, and generally he doesn't do it then. They don't expect me to reform the East!