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Saturday, September 12, 1908

Tonight's session was at the Societe. We were going out to Sheikh, but got an attack of Extremitis Frigiditis and side stepped. We gathered ourselves together in the card room after dinner and exchanged a few of the latest ones. There is one thing in which they unanimously award us the palm, and that is bachelor yarns. "We beat the world."
"Those Yank stories" get their eternal goat.

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[[preprinted]] Sunday, September 13, 1908 [[/preprinted]]

Well, Jones Sahib left Zanzibar today. Next Sunday we shall strike Bunny for the loan of his rig and beat it down to the Bander.
Damn dull today. In fact, I slept all the afternoon as the only way in which to pass the time. Some day somethink will happen, and then they will sit upon us and declare, "Heart failure, induced by intense excitement." That will be the end.