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[[preprinted]] Monday, October 26, 1908

"Early to bed and early to rise," etc., is our motto, and old Sol and I got up together this morning. We,- us humans, I mean,- inspected the town and then saw the grand review of the military forces of Lahej by the Sultan in the maidan near the palus. It was mighty damn interesting. The Sult and his troop and his Prime minister were on the left, we were on the right. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] The cannons, the sojers, black sods, the tomtoms and Apache war-whoops, and some of the most beautiful horses imaginable made a picture not to be forgotten. And the glad rags the Sult and the elect were togged in were "perfectly damn gorgeous" without a solitary doubt. Nothing

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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, October 27, 1908 

but a mass of gold and silver. The Sult sported a sword with an ^[[all]] gold scabbard, and the Eben Akhkho had one, too, ^[[with an ivory handle]], with a gold handled dagger for good measure. They were the last word in Lahej style.
We walked over in the other direction [[strikethrough]] this after [[/strikethrough]] afterwards, and after a tramp and dinner, left at about three for Aden, arriving here at eight or a little before. Was much pleased with the trip, and though my central rear is a little sensitive from forty miles of donkeyback, I would like to start off again tomorrow. I enjoyed it all through.