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Monday, December 7, 1908

We were all over to Smith's tonight. I didn't like to put myself under any obligations to my friend Schirmer, and as the club would be the last place in the world to enjoy one's self, I pitched upon Smith for the loan of his hut for the evening. Besse, after dinner, told us there was going to be an eclipse about midnight, and Mac immediately insisted on our seeing it from his place, as he had some fine old Highland stuff that had just arrived, and if we were diligent in our duty, and didn't hang back, we might go the Benians one eclipse better. I went to bed about one, but the koosuf must have missed it's train, - it hadn't shown up.

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Tuesday, December 8, 1908

You remember that fellow in Illinois to whom I sent a bag of coffee last June? He wants "four more at the price previously quoted." With pleasure, - we made only about 30% on that deal. Those four bags will only bring in a commission of about [[Rupees]]50, but still, "small profits and big orders", - them's our sentiments.