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Wednesday, December 9, 1908

We went over to Mac's tonight. Before, at the club, I'd been trying my damndest to get a few hands to pay my club bill with, but fortune was agin me. no sooner had I got into Mac's premises, where nothing but love bridge is found, than I got a "hundred aces", and then seven with five honors. 'Most broke my heart,- upset me completely.

Well, tonight will be my last in Aden for some moons. I am damned sorry to leave the old place, I tell you, and only hope I can get another chance to trim Bunny if he misbehaves, next November.

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R.P.D. "Feldmarschall"

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Thursday, December 10, 1908

That damned dampfer wasn't due until six this evening, and blow me if she didn't come in at eight a.m. Bougre le non de Dieu! I packed in a hell of a rush, ^[[said my goodbyes]] and turned over charge, lost my ticket, and beat it to Point. Meek gave me a duplicate ticket, and then when I got aboard I found out she didn't leave for about three hours. So Mr. Arnold and Ilford had lunch on board. Later on I found my ticket calmly reposing amongst the leaves of this journal. When we left I stood at the port rail and regretfully watched the rocks fade from my view. The last thing I saw was Marshaq light twinkling in the distance, auf wiederseh'n, old town.