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Wednesday, December 23, 1908

I am still chasing around this burg trying to get acquainted and learning the customs of the place. Everything is in a mess here, on account of Stewart's illness,- when I came there hadn't been an entry made in the books for a fortnight. And Vining tells us from Zbar to send our quarterly accounts home on the 27th. I have a nice little brain-storm chromo of the event. It will be one of those things that should have was, but ain't.

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Thursday, December 24, 1908

That Aden Port Trust was about the limit, I thought, but I tell you, it is a marvel of speed and comfort alongside of this damned Custom house here. Why, it takes a whole afternoon to pass a shipment. They use up a couple of bottles ^of [[strikethrough]] [[unreadable]] [[/strikethrough]] ink and a quire of paper every time you try to get a box off the wharf. The damned British Govt isn't satisfied unless they're getting fees for everything under the sun, from stamp duties to paying taxes on every servant you've got.

Didn't we have a Stamp [[strikethrough]] duty [[/strikethrough]] ^Act in 'Murrica once? Oncet!

Transcription Notes:
Reviewer note: - "Zbar" is "Z'bar", probably short for Zanzibar.