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[[preprinted]] Thursday, February 25, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Got into Mombasa about eight this morning.

Broke the news to Stewart, who didn't give a damn, and he has elected to turn his face homeward on the "Prinzregent" next Monday. Home is the best place for him,- he'd had another go of fewer while I was in Zanzibar, so he told me.

I'll be sorry to lose his company, but there is really not enough work for two men here. I hope I'll be able to stick out my three years here, so that at least one of the three of us will survive the East and pay for his passage. So far I've had luck, but I've courted it conscientiously, I think.

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[[preprinted]] Friday, February 26, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Government ivory auction this morning. There were only half a dozen bidders, including ourselves. Prices were fabulously high, and how Visram expects to sell his purchases to us with profit is beyond my capacity for figures. He was bidding over our limits every time. The great part of the stock was ball and bangle, which didn't interest us at all. They'll keep on with the bally show for a couple of days yet, I expect.

Visram wants higher limits. Maybe that's why he bid up so. He's got to sell, though, and I guess he needs to turn over his coin instead of waiting.