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[[preprinted]] Monday, March 1, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Bwana Stewart hiked hence this evening. We put him on board the "Prinzregent", gave him the noisiest send off that we could, and arrived at our several homes slightly sprung. Oh well, Christmas comes but oncet a year.

I'll bet Stew was sorry to leave. He liked it out here, and turned down one chance to go home, but I guess he really knows the joint is not for him. He had a pretty tough siege last December. It would have been enough to have put me off Africa.

Mac sent in his bill today,- 885 chips.

Ayah!  Ayah!

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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, March 2, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

By gum, but I chased around today. I had so bloody much to do I didn't know where to [[strikeout]] [[unreadable]] [[/strikeout]] begin to commence it. All I can see in front of me is elephants teeth, yellow ones and black ones, striped ones and plain ones, big ones and little ones, long ones and short ones, and curved ones and straight ones. And ndue's, and gendi, and beans, and hard ones and soft ones,- Herr Gott, non de Dieu, Allah Karim!

If I don't have a nightmare with a long prehensile nose tonight, it'll be a marvel.