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[[preprinted]] Friday, March 19, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Parenti gave us a mighty fine dinner last night. There was bushels and gallons of it. Amoretti was slightly lit up, and was the limit in the speech making line. He had a great deal to say of Mr. Snapshot, (Gottschalk) and Mr. Stendrofski (meinself), and the names created much laughter. But after dinner, — ah, if Caruso had but heard him, the idol of the Metropolitan would have gone back to selling peanuts. "Amour" gave us everything, from "Rigoletto" to "She sells sea-shells" and Ragtime. And—

"Place me amongst the girls, 
The girls, 
The curly girlie girls—"

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[[preprinted]] Saturday, March 20, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

I cabled yesterday stocks in town, besides ours, 1000 Prime and 6500 Gendi. That startled 'em, I guess, for today I got orders to buy "Gendi freely" at reduced limits. Went through the town and then got Visram to agree to bring in his stock and any of the other fellows' he might buy, at our limits, promising to keep off the other houses' stocks myself. We will get ours just as cheap that way, and keep on the good side of Visram, besides. 

We are certainly making some shipments these days, — our rivals down the street are strangely quiet. They must have burnt their fingers somewhere, somehow.