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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, March 23, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Tried to engineer a deal with Visram this morning, but I'm afraid it won't go through. The old man is in Uganda, and the young one doesn't do it on his own. 

Vining told me that the firm had been trying to get a Consular Agcy. out here ever since we'd been in town. So if it goes through, as I hope it will, it will be a strike for me. Inshallah, it will all come to pass. It won't be a very renumerative job, of course, but I ought to get a hundred plunks a year out of it.

"Which is by way of being" a damsite better than a poke in the eye, nevertheless.

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[[preprinted]] Wednesday, March 24, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

I had an appointment with the dentist last Friday, and never thought of it until the next day. This morning I had another at eleven, — I started in to snooze after tiffin and said to myself, "Well, tomorrow's Wednesday, and I've got to go up there to the Bait Haram at eleven. [[underlined]] Is [[/underlined]] it, though?" And then I looked at the KL & Co. kalendar and found out I'd ought to have gone there [[underlined]] this [[/underlined]] morning instead of putting Vining on the "Kaiser."

That dentist man I'm afraid will be, or rather, is and was, slightly wrathy. It's the doggone climate, boys. It plays tricks with your memory out here.