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[[preprinted]] Monday, March 29, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

The shipwrecked Zanzibarites stood us a luncheon at the Club today, and it was nice to meet them again. I think, too, as Jo says, that they are a much better crowd down in Zanzibar than they are here, — as far as my limited experience goes, I shouldn't hesitate to say so. I'd be damned if I'd want to bring a girl out from home into this Mombasa bunch. If I did, say wouldn't she make this bunch look like crowd of A1 pikers? Well, I reckon and I calkerlate she would so. You bet your life she would, and with one hand tied behind her back, too.

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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, March 30, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Not much doing today. Just hanging around waiting for the end of the month to come so's we can get those accounts off our mind. 

I got to Hansing and a few others for 175 bales last week. That's more than our hated rivals up the street did. They would like to do something with the big Deutsche Haus, don't you worry. I'm afraid we've got C. & Co. slightly on the hip. Notice how quiet they are on pembi these days? And when we get these D's in our hands, they'll have a hard summer lookin' em square in the eye, and don't you forget it.