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[[pre-printed]] Monday, April 26, 1909 [[/pre-printed]]

Nothing doing, save a jaunt out to the Sports' Club and a few sets. They came over after dinner, and we played a little bridge, and I was heartily glad when bed time came around. Please note, gents, that my sleep is a sacred thing, and I don't want it disturbed again, even at a dividend of a paltry three chips. That nine-thirty gun at Aden was a great thing to keep me straight, — also my watch, — I miss it here, for once I went to sleep downstairs and had to come up about twelve, whereas at Aden if you snoozed  prematurely on the veranda, it was always there to slap you on the back and tell you to shed and crawl in. I heard lots of good reports of that gun.
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[[pre-printed]] Tuesday, April 27, 1909 [[/pre-printed]]

By gum, I must have got a little bit of a chill somehow last night, after being all heated from tennis, for today I felt rather on the punk. I don't know as it was exactly fever, but if it wasn't, it was nigh onto it. Of course I'll have a few doses of fever before I get out of this joint, — either dead or alive, — but I should like to stave 'em off as long as possible, on general principle. I might be able to execute a soft unexpected sneak and leave one or two in the lurch, which wouldn't be half bad.