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[[preprinted]] Sunday, May 2, 1909 [[/preprinted]] 

It's been a long time comin', but its here now, and I say god damn this rotten stinkin' hole of a Mombasa! By god, I wouldn't come out to this stinkin' place again for a thousand quid. The climate is rotten, the grub is rotten, the servants are rotten, and altogether it's the damndest hole I ever hope to see. Oh, by gum, Aden is a paradise alongside of this place, and don't I wish I was there! By gum, I'd go back in one minute, happy as a lark! I hate this bloody rotten place, and I always shall. Damn the bloody rotten stinkin' dump of a town, and everything in it.

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[[preprinted]] Monday, May 3, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Sentiments opposite endorsed:

May 21st. To hell with Mombasa. 

Aug. 11th. Oh hell, it isn't such a bad place, after all. I'm really beginning to like it. 

Oct. 5th. This joint ain't so worse. I was off my feed when I wrote that there opposite, but I have found a real sure-enough-alive cook since then, which materially alters the general view of things. I'm pretty well off here, I know that now. It ain't so worse. 

Mar. 29th 10.

Well, this joint may be all right, all right, but I'll be damned glad to shake it next August or Sep, and don't you fergit it.