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[[preprinted]] Saturday, May 22, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

We shipped a mere 101 tusks by the "Herzog" today. Our rivals shipped nineteen, all they'd collected in the past three months, while we collected ours within three weeks. This shipment brings my ivory values over one hundred thousand real dollars since the first of the year. Put that in your smoke and pipe it.

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[[preprinted]] Sunday, May 23, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Sunday is dull anywhere, especially out here, and I was really glad that I had to work in the office all day. I get these crazy streaks once in a while. Anyway, I was down there all morning mapping out and plunking out a four page epistle to Beaver St., only to [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] have a telegram come along after I'd got it most done, which upset the situation so that I had to write it all over again. Whereat the stillness of the Sabbath morn was profaned by a loud and blistering oath.

The afternoon was spent in the pleasant company of stock lists and translation of cables, "et cethry," as Dooley says. But better than killing time.