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[[preprinted]] Friday, May 28, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Mail day agin. Four days ago it took me four pages to recount all my woes to NY., and today it took three more. We're gettin' rather prolix in our old age, and that's a fact.

Auction still going on, they're buying above our limits, and anyway we don't want to butt up against Ali. By next Wednesday we'll have most of the stuff in the godown, anyway. Our rivals up the street have taken a few frasilas away from us, but it cost them $2 more. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] The only thing to do is to sit tight and wait. It'll come never fear. It always has.

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[[preprinted]] Saturday, May 29, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Miserable day. Rained all day, and it was cold as the devil. Gee, what a contrast to five years ago this blessed minute! It was the second page of my first FR. trip, and the bunch went out driving across the river. By gum, I had a good time those few days,--I never 'magined then, however, how many more times I was going to strike that old town and happy domicile!

FR. itself isn't such a much in the burg line, but there was an undefinable and indescribable charm about it that somehow made me come again.