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[[preprinted]] Wednesday, June 9, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

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[[preprinted]] Thursday, June 10, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Well, anyway, we put it over the plate for three hundred bales today. It wasn't my fault, either, that we didn't get to Hansing for two hundred, as well. Hizuro, bado. By gum, I turned rather a good trick when I sold them those blankets last February. They've got 'em still on hand up in Kampala, and Moses has been trying to unload the ones I sold him on them, too. Yessir, when you get a chance to sell the only thing to do is to close out, and let the other fellow carry the goods. We didn't make much on that ^[[blanket]] sale, but we [[underlined]] saved [[/underlined] a lot.