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[[preprinted]] Wednesday, June 23, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

The "Prinzessiu" brought us in a few bales today. Totals are mounting up,--we haven't brought in goods on every boat, but when they have come they've come heavy and swift-like. By gum, but at Aden we did the cotton business. Rememeber the day the good ship "Indrawadi" brought in them thirteen hundred odd ^[[image: drawing of AC&Co with a diamond-shaped box around it]] ADEN bales?

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[[preprinted]] Thursday, June 24, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Took the "abu daneb" up to the Bank wallah's tonight. Didn't have a bad evening, at all, at all. The memsahib spent several years in Aden, when hubby was stationed there, and it did me good to talk about the old place. I find all the Adenites,--the ones who have lived there for any time, have one opinion of the place, and it is a quite different one from that of the passenger off the ship who strays ^[[aimlessly]] around Steamer Point for the few hours he is ashore. By gum, they can say what they like, but Aden has won me, and I'm not the first nor the only one.