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[[preprinted]] Sunday, August 8, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Gee whiz, but when I think how I was a-puttin' in my time this time two years ago, it makes me recollect how I was spending bright and blitheful days down at Bagaduce with the one and only twenty four moons ago this moon. And I tell you, this time two years ago, I was mighty pert, and feelin' my oats.

But now I'm seven whole thousand miles away, and it AIN'T NO JOKE.

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[[preprinted]] Monday, August 9, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

We were working hard today. Moving up bales from the Customs, up to after six. If we didn't sell any cottons today, we did some tutti-frutti, at least. Damme if I know what possessed Arnold to send that stuff out here, - he must think we're running a grocery shop.

We have dealt in a few varied articles, as an examination of different books will show. Gasolene motors, sugar, flour, kerosene oil, step-ladders, chewing-gum, carriage-lamps, photographic materials, cottons, binoculars, ivory, sulphur-bitters, bark cloth, chillies, fibre, dates, coffee, woolen socks, and typewriters. And when one thinks of what our old