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[[preprinted]] Monday, August 16, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Hugo S. Josephs, of Sherry's and the Beef trust relations, beat it on the "Admiral" today. He held quite a reception on board - Garrels and I went off to the ship for a few minutes-and seemed quite happy. I bet he won't be so unreasonably cheery tomorrow around this time. Not if ol' man monsoon has anything to do with it.

Boustead entertained at lunch today, at the Club-there were some good ones passed around, - particularly the one about the reckless person with the revolver. Old Jo has had all his meals booked ahead for the past fortnight but tomorrow he pays.

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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, August 17, 1909 [[/preprinted]]

Business is putrid these days. There's damlittle ivory coming down - all the caravans seem to be miles away from the Lake yet, and the cotton market at home is simply out of sight and still going. I don't see any new sales for some few days, at present prices, to say the least. And it's about time we got in some licks for November shipment, too. We have got a good lead on the rest of 'em, but we need some more.