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Tuesday, January 4, 1910

I got a piano over here from P.H. today. but the damned thing is so badly out of tune that it's positively painful to play it. I shall have to cart it back tomorrow.

Writing out those quarterly accounts again today. Inshallah, I have it before me only two, perhaps three times more!

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Wednesday, January 5, 1910

The Club gave a farewell dinner to Macdonald tonight. The old Doe has been out here twenty years without going home once, which I guess is a second for equatorial Africa. Dang me if I'd want to camp out here that long.

It's me for the little old USA. some bright mornin' next Octoby, and I don't keer who knows it.

The chikula was more or less punk, also the speeches. I enjoyed getting my forty point off Besseling, after dinner, more than anything else.