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[[preprinted]] Saturday, January 8, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Nothing doing today save that it was Lemm who let me down instead of Lake. However, Lemm knows something, and is learning more, - I don't much mind. Old mac sold his things at auction today, and I forgot all about it. That's where I saved money.

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[[preprinted]] Sunday, January 9, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Down in the office this morning getting my new books started. They are all pretty - like, now, but I can't say how long the fit will last. What use will it all be, anyway, when that nincompoop Arnold gets his hands on 'em. He's got a chirography that resembles the trail of a drunken hen doing the Virginia reel.

I dislike being harsh, but some things [[underlined]] compel [[/underlined]] criticism.