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[[preprinted]] Thursday, January 20, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

[[continuation of the 19th]]
llford, last night in the exuberance of youth, tried to put out the sheet lamp at SM's corner. He was pretty well soused at the time, but the burn he got sobered him up completely by the time he got to bed. He also dropped his watch somewhere, and that's another proof of the curse of drink.
[[/continuation of the 19th]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] Friday, January 21, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

oh, promise me that you will take my hand,
when I'm so tight that I can hardly stand,
and [[strikethrough]]] lead [[/strikethrough]] ^[[guide]] my falt'ring footsteps down the street,
Stopping at every pub we chance to meet,-
And when you see that I can hold no more,
And have not the wherewithal to pay the score,
Then gently dump me down at my front door,
Oh promise me, O promise me!