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[[journal, 2 pages]]
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[[preprinted]] Saturday, January 22, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

This afternoon we set out in the Irish Consul's yacht and made sail for Jomiri, which we reached in a little under [[strikethrough]] three [[/strikethrough]] two hours.  Coming across Makupa Bay we had a fine stiff wind, and the way the water curled away from the "whimbrel's" bows was a caution.  With Barney, Smith, myself and Nasibu on board, together with all our kit and chikula, we had plenty enough ballast.  

After tea we went out the row of huts above the village and had a shauri with the inhabitants. They all sat down in a circle in the moonlight. [[/page 1]]

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[[preprinted]] Sunday, January 23, 1910 [[/preprinted]

and we croaked and did all sorts of possum - pas for their benefit.  The way they picked it all up, tunes and all, even the little mtotos, was marvellous.  The old cake-walk struck them as particularly O.K., but "Three Blind Mice" got their [[m?]] entirely. They came around again the next morning, to be sure they'd learnt it.

Left today (Sunday). Butti had sailed up in his boat, and I went back with him.  King and Ilford beat us in a good fifteen minutes by taking the shallow passage.  Old Barney needed holding tonight. [[/page 2]]