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[[preprinted]] Thursday, February 3, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Tejpar brought around about fifty tusks today with the best grace he could. After we had weighed and calculated it up, "Hakuna [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] nipa one hundred rupees?" in his English - Swahili. "Hopana Rabisa, Bwana Teipar. Si kasi yako. Hi kasi Bwana bining. wewe sema 'Siweje tapata, lakini MAPATA, tasamma?" Oh, he was a sore heathen, and no mistake.

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[[preprinted]] Friday, February 4, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

It almost broke 'is' art, after the events of the last two days, to bring in the balance today, but it had to be did. I gave him a cheque for the lot, and he smouched out minus a "Kwa heri". I'll bet he won't be so damned greedy next time. I'm thinkin' his shauri is about over. He's an old swing, anyway.

More trouble. Another ten tons of Chillies. Mif ced.