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[[preprinted]] Friday, February 11, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

We took the cold out for a sea-trip today, and found it much improved. Butti had the Mbuni in the water again, and we took a little turn down Port Rietz. That's a damfine sheet of water, there. What wouldn't J. Bull give if he had that Kilindini-Rietz [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikthrough]] harbor at home, instead of 5000 miles away! It would be worth millions of pounds, and then some. These must be twenty five or thirty square miles of anchorage over there, all absolutely landlocked. 

Saw a great big lizard about four feet long, on the Kilindini road. The gharri almost makufed him.

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[[preprinted]] Saturday, February 12, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Well, if the Mbuni didn't go today, she never has. There was a crackajack breeze, and she just laid right into it. But she's a dirty boat in any kind of a chop or sea, and we were all soaked to the skin. I was sitting aft the craming once, when Butti brought her about, and she picked up a big lee sea and let me have it square in the face as she came around. Come out from the shore after tea, we had the most disagreeable ten minutes in the little dingy. She was loaded right to the gunwales, and drank like a fish all the way. I was relieved when we got to the Mbuni.

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