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[[preprinted]] Saturday, February 19, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Naman turned out a dinner tonight that was a ring-tailed snorter. King's limericks almost took our appetites away, but we rallied in time.

After dinner Besseline made the funniest revoke I ever saw. Every one of the four knew the card was in, but wapi? After two more tricks Besseling exclaimed "Oh, I say! Vut do you dink of dat?" and pulled the damned knave our from amongst his hand. It was laughable and Barney was so right! And Cox was so annoyed.

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[[preprinted]] Sunday, February 20, 1910 [[/preprinted]] 

Race on in Kilindini today. I was supposed to be the extra hand on the mbuni, but finally decided I'd rather stay here and keep dry and write to the wife instead of having half of Kilindini harbor thrown over me and getting soaked to the skin. They were all drenched, so it turned out, although Butti put a reef in in order to keep as comfortable as possible. Butti brought the mbuni in ahead, in the first race she's ever won here, which "wasn't so dusty".