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[[preprinted]] Monday, February 21, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Kasi mingi lao. We made about seven hundred chips on our shipments today. That will keep the agency going until the next time, I guess.

However business generally is none too brisk. Cotton prices at home are so doggone high it's absolutely impossible to sell anything. I've done the next best thing and worked off customers stocks, but there isn't a great deal of satisfaction in that. Inshallah, things will buck up ere long.

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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, February 22, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Celebrated the natal day of the immortal and truthful George with a call from an American crowd off the "Feldmarschall". One of them, Hunt, hails from Providence, and travels South Africa and the antipodes palming off Yankee files on the inhabitants of those strange countries. He'd been here before, and had met Stewart here. Afterward we started off ^[[to]] the ship, and met some more Americans half way up the street. Found one more on the boat. The woods is full of 'em. Lake introduced me to a Russian Count on board, but what the hell [[strikethrough]] /// [[/strikethrough]] ^[[does effete royalty amount to]] on Washington's birthday? Answer me, wot?