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[[preprinted]] Wednesday, February 23, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

After buying a few chairs (@ 5 guineas each) for my fellow citizens offen the "Feldmarschall", I started off to the ship with them. The anchor was already coming up and they just barely caught the boat. Smith and Barney were up at the top of the ladder, and I couldn't run up to shake fists, but Smith ran down with a quid for Mahomed and Naman, and then they hauled up the ladder, with him on it. I felt kinder homesick when the boat pulled out, with the band playing, - but Inshallah, it won't be so very long before I'm homeward bound meself.

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[[preprinted]] Thursday, February 24, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Broke my rule of not playing Bridge after dinner, by making up a four at Besseling's new house, but I got 44 points to ease my conscience. However, I'm like old Rip, "this time doesn't count," and I never play after dinner now. It's not good enough. Most 'specially at 2 1/2 dibs per.