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[[preprinted]] Saturday, March 5, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

The great race came off today, with a gun from the "Forte" at 4 p.m. Butti and I in the "Mbuni" got a bad start, but it wasn't long before we had picked our way through the bunch, going past the first mark in second place.  On the backstretch of the first lap we went by the Lulu, and Wold never was able to close up again, ^[[and we were never headed.]] We (I should say Butti, for his was the craft and seamanship) beat them all in level sailing, but when the handicaps were deducted we were third by a narrow margin.  But she did do her damndest, and the way she slicked through the angry wet was "preposterous" as Butti says.

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[[preprinted]] Sunday, March 6, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

After I had closed the office this morning, and was in the midst of a passionate love-letter along came a postal notice of a mail to Zanzibar within the hour.  So I had to drop my tender epistle, open the office again, and plunk out a sordid, mercenary sheet to Vining.

We went out for a little spin in Kilindini waters again today, and just before sunset dropped anchor with the Lulu in a little cove of the island, where we dove off, (dived, to be sure of it,- it's either one or the other) and had a strictly cracka-jack little swim.  When we scrambled aboard again, the black lead came off the ship, but it didn't off us.  However.