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[[preprinted]] Friday, April 22, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

I forgot to tell you what a damned fool I am. Of course you know it already, so this personal confirmation is in a way superfluous. I bought a typewriter offen Winckler, for 90 chips. It's a Blick and the rottenest ever. Now I only hope that the firm will be weak enough to buy it off me.

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piracy, so I suppose he took the next most congenial job.

The ziara is quite a sight, seen for the first time. My first was two years ago,- this was just the same.  [[/continuation]]

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[[preprinted]] Saturday, April 23, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Ziara al Aidroos tonight. 

The place was all lighted up, and there were thousands of all kinds of nearby natives there.  For anyone who was interested in those things, the various groups of dancers of all the tribes, etc., would have afforded a good opportunity for observation. The gamblers were all working their games, and probably making money up to the time Winckler and Adolph came along. Adolph got about three chips off one, which must have pretty nearly bust the bank. Those gentlemen of the table were a pretty lot of cutthroats. I remember that one-eyed one,- [[strikethrough]] if [[/strikethrough]] he missed his vocation when they shut down on

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