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[[preprinted]] Monday June 13, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Have you been up in Cowasjee's and seen that bloomin' lion he's got chained up on the veranda? Well, some day that beast will yawn and he'll pull that banister up by the roots and he'll just chaw up a couple o' them yaller Parsees before they'll know what's struck 'em.

He's a hell of a big brute - waist high, straight, and they've got him tied up with a little dog-chain fastened to the veranda rail. 

I'm some glad it wasn't my bones he was scrunchin' there tonight

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[[preprinted]] Tuesday June 14, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Well, what was there doing today? Not a damned thing, I guess, save that Slipp came over for tea (the missus is down avisitin' Mrs. Moser at Point, and old Paul E. is like a fish out of water. Some of these old married men are absolutely helpless when [[strikethrough]] they're ma [[/strikethrough]] the usual skirts are temporarily absent) and so we sent for Adolphe and we had a rupee limit session. Slipp quit with ten dibs up, and I annexed about thirty. I don't mind winning, a single bit.

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