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[[preprinted]] Monday, July 11, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

That new ATC guy done showed up today. It turns out he'd been on board all the time. Schirmer said he asked four or five stewards, etc., on board, and they utterly disclaimed all knowledge of him. And mind you, there were only [[underlined]] six [[/underlined]] passengers on the whole damned ship. They must have been prunes, those stewards, prunes for fair.

Gee, but those new fellows do look funny when they first come out. I haven't a doubt but ^[[what]] I did the same, meinself. If I remember correctly, I certainly did. 

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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, July 12, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Twaddle came up to Camp today. When Smith and I sorter suggested-like that we would take 'em on, Besse laughed one of those disagreeable sarcastic laughs of his, and told us we were crazy. Well, we made 'em go 7-5 to trim us, and if Smith hadn't had a game foot that prevented his moving faster than an ordinary overflow from a molasses jug, we would have done them guys to a turn. And Besse did try bloody hard. He ran miles and miles trying to back up Twaddle.