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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, August 2, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Working hard again today. Gee whiz, but this is some more strenuous than Aden.

Weddell and some of the Germans were over for chop tonight. Afterwards we went up to see Vining perform in the billiard sweep, but Dick, of the Bank, did all the sweeping there was to be done. He had a considerable margin at the end.

M. got tight, and started to walk me around Zanzibar. In my innocence he almost compromised me, but I said goodnight in time and beat it for home. Just in time to see the Usagura let out! ii=h 

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[[preprinted]] Wednesday, August 3, 1910 [[preprinted]]

Took the ricksha out to the Mnazi Mmoja this afternoon. Vining says, "He's getting too fat. He don't get enough exercise. If we worked him more he'd go better." Referring to the ricksha boy. Not a horse.

Well, this would be a slick life here if we didn't have to work for a living and knew naught of warehouse warrants and sich.