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[[preprinted]] Tuesday, September 13, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Was busily writing to 23 when the seven o'clock whistle blew tonight reminding me that I was due to call on Bibi Reinholtz at that hour. I did a record shave and change and was over there at 10.14 on the dot. She treated me to a drink, and promised to come over to sit on our roof some evening.

Unfortunately she will of course have to bring the Burana along, which I consider is a shame. I'm not as shy as all that, really.

Gee whiz, I got another 500 plunk raise today! Wot O!!

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[[preprinted]] Wednesday, September 14, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Made up for at least part of that raise by selling 150 bales today, and got some two hundred rupees extra for the lot, too. I told Kersondass that if he'd bot the lot before he would have got it rather cheaper, but that since then our views had gone up. He had to come up, and bring a sport, in a Hindoo way, he realized that it was one on him.

The Reuters say that the Democrats have carried Maine!! ^[[images- drawings of a star, a question mark, 2 music notices, two exclamation marks, a treble clef, another star, and three more exclamation marks]]

And what th' 'ell will happen next?

Nov. 8th. It happened.