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[[preprinted]] Saturday, November 12, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Peschier, Weddell, Withycombe and Masters came around for dinner tonight. I was kinder afraid on account of the frog, for he is somewhat of a fundi himself in the construction of eats, but the old cook didn't do so badly.

Saw another one o' them nice girls from home at our doorway, just for a sec. She and hubby [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] ^[[were]] off the "Feldmarschall" and he'd come around to the ostensible (whatever th' hell that may mean, if it means anything) consulate to see if he had any mail. But the letter never came.

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[[preprinted]] Sunday, November 13, 1910 [[/preprinted]]

Just got back from Bawi, over across the harbor, where we had a pretty good day, despite an hour's rain just before we came back.

Mrs. Johnson, whom I so fluently cursed a few nights and pages back, was one of the party. She is not as bad as I painted her, on the level. She is a Welsh Aussie, or llgwnlkk, or whatever they call 'em in that unpronounciable tongue. The Skees came along, and Morton and Drake of the "Pundua" and a few of the ETC. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] in their bare feet ^[[joined us]] out there. We had a pretty fair day altogether. I didn't have a bathing suit and couldn't go in swimming. Curses.