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Sunday, January 22, 1911

Left Zanzibar on the "Adolph Woermann" this morning. On board I finds one J. Edward Green, who used to be Paris manager for Ingersoll-Rand, with a charming Mrs., and an equally charming sister who spoke English with the most delicious of accents. Green is a pal of Johannesburg Smith, who has been staying with me in Zanzibar. Also on board was a German-American pippin by the name of Schaefer, whose [[hubby?]] was one of the salesman when I worked in the Ingersoll-Rand office in New York. 

We all'uns went ashore together in Tanga, to hear the band, and "I

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Monday, January 23, 1911

assure [[underlined]] you [[/underlined]] "(as Mrs. Green says) they weren't disappointed in the performance. Myself, I think that band is one of the most striking things I've met with in Africa. It is a marvel of training the savage. 

Had a mighty pleasant time on board the "Adolph", and the end of my trip came all too suddenly, this afternoon. Got over to the house about five. Arnold surprised me with an offer of a week upcountry on the firm, which you bet I accepted. I think I'll try [[Kijabe?]]. It'll be quite a nice little change for a considerable portion of my remaining time.